Monthly Archive: May 2007

Daily Update Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Investors took profits early in the session, but a boost in energy stocks pushed the TSX to another record high today. Therefore, one green light and an UpUp situation Prudent Investors may continue to buy high VST-Vector, ‘B’ rated stocks long, but caution is advised. Aggressive Investors and…

Daily Update Monday, May 7, 2007

A takeover offer for Alcan Inc. led a broad-based rally sending the TSX to a new record high today. With two green lights and an UpUp situation Prudent Investors may continue to buy high VST-Vector, ‘B’ rated stocks long. Aggressive Investors and Traders should play the market with…


Positive earnings’ releases and merger & acquisition activity lifted Canadian equities higher on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and the Price of the VVC/CA rose $0.11 for the week. With three green lights and an UpUp situation Prudent Investors may buy high VST-Vector, ‘B’ rated stocks long. Aggressive Investors and Traders…

Daily Update Thursday, May 3, 2007

Merger & Acquisition activity pushed the TSX to a sharply higher close today after a volatile session. With two green lights and an UpUp situation Prudent Investors may begin buying high VST-Vector, ‘B’ rated stocks long if the market continues to move higher tomorrow.Aggressive Investors and Traders should…

Daily Update Wednesday, May 2, 2007

After two losing sessions, the TSX came back strong today on positive corporate news. With three yellow lights Prudent Investors should remain on the sidelines.Aggressive Investors and Traders should play the market up or down as it develops.You may see all the action of the Daily Color Guard…

Daily Update Tuesday, May 1, 2007

After a rollercoaster session today, the TSX closed slightly lower on weakness in the financial sector. With two red lights and a DnUp situation Prudent Investors should remain on the sidelines.Aggressive Investors and Traders should play the market with a bias to the downside.You may see all the action…